The truth is that Facebook has grown and evolve to become the best platform you can use as entrepreneur to connect and attract new customers. With 1.3 billion monthly active users and marketing tools like Facebook page, Facebook group that are free and simple to...Continue Reading.
I presumed you must have seen Akismet plugin at the top of your installed plugins. It always comes with every WordPress CMS installed website. But, what it does and how it fights spam comment may be obscure to you. Well, Akismet is not just another tool on WordPress...Continue Reading.
It is about time to get more sales from your mobile visitors in view of the change in Google algorithm in flavor of mobile and responsive websites. The traffic pull is expected to increase and when it does and your mobile site is not set to funnel visitors on the path...Continue Reading.
What is honeypot and how is it associated with WordPress that it blocks spam comment bots that constitutes major headache to bloggers and website owners. You’ll agree with me that spam comment is indeed a pain in the neck if you ever have a comment form on your...Continue Reading.
What does value proposition mean to your business? You might want to ask? Value proposition is the core reason you think people should prefer your business instead of your competitors. It is the extra value you provided that gives your business an edge in the market...Continue Reading.
You can really increase your content visibility and share rate by simply adding “click to Tweet” links to tweet-able quotes formed within the content. Have you noticed that most of the time when you compose blog post some of the words you pulled together...Continue Reading.
No doubt you must have noticed a decline on your Facebook page’s organic reach just as everyone else have experienced it in shock back then. This seems to be what we shall continue to live with if we want to continue to use Facebook as one of the ways to connect...Continue Reading.
It has almost turned a tradition or norm to include sidebar on blog irrespective of the niche and type of blog. But alas! Is it really necessary or imperative that blog must have a sidebar even though it’s seems to always come with theme package? Let’s dig...Continue Reading.
Understanding website conversion optimization techniques is the only priceless link to customer acquisition and the best way to funnel lead through the buying circle. The number of traffic your site gets is really insignificant if a handful of them could not be funnel...Continue Reading.
Success is like a journey characterized by the winning habits developed and mastered along the path of success. As an entrepreneur, we have to consistently engage our mind to imbibe winning habits and really acquire them to form the bedrock of our personal foundation...Continue Reading.