by Francis 'Toke | Nov 27, 2015 | Infographics
It can be pretty hard to search and install the best WordPress plugins you want for specific purposes on your website. This is so because there are thousands of free ones you can choose from. Apart from this, there are many plugins that offer the same functionality,...
by Francis 'Toke | Nov 20, 2015 | Infographics
No business survives in isolation. The growth of a business lies in how effective the process of keeping the customer happy and satisfied. Yes, I know that every business strive to maintain good business relationship with their clients and even try to create magic...
by Francis 'Toke | Nov 13, 2015 | Blogging Tips, Infographics
There is nothing like one size fits all when it comes to content marketing because each strategy has varied impact on your targeted audience. Applying this marketing mix in the process of connecting your business with prospective client will enhance lead capturing and...
by Francis 'Toke | Nov 6, 2015 | Infographics
Businesses that understand the rhythm of twitter do not only make the best use of it but exploit the tools to their business advantage. You need to know how Twitter works before you can use it in ways that can make it affect your business positively. Most people feel...
by Francis 'Toke | Oct 30, 2015 | Blogging Tips, Infographics
Guest blogging can be described as using what you have to get what you want. It’s like giving you a veritable platform to showcase your talent. What you make out of that opportunity will depend on how prepare and determine you are to take your brand to the next...
by Francis 'Toke | Oct 16, 2015 | Infographics, Website Design, WordPress Tutorials
There are different ways by which WordPress themes can be installed on your website depending on the source of the theme. The main methods are – Automatic and Manual. Automatic method is when you do not need to download and then upload the theme before...