From my research and experience on WordPress, Amazon SES (Simple Email Services) is the most effective and low cost email delivery system you’ll ever find around. Why do I say this? WordPress for instance, uses PHP mail() functions that solely depend on the...Continue Reading.
Enabling post thumbnail on RSS feed could increase content rate of consumption just as a compelling featured image can attract or pull audience to blog post. For instance, if you use Feedly to read content from different sites, you’ll attest to the fact that rss...Continue Reading.
Using Google to search for images may look awkward to some people when they know there are so many other places or sites solely dedicated to image search. Howbeit, little do people (most especially students, bloggers and researchers) know that there is a platform on...Continue Reading.
One of the ways to boost user experience and enhance blog navigation path is to add next and previous post links with thumbnail on your blog post. This can increase page view and of course reduce bounce rate significantly especially when the title of your content are...Continue Reading.
Child theme in WordPress is simply the ability to retain any design customization performed on a theme that otherwise can be lost whenever it is updated. But it is very important to update themes especially for security reasons. This is one of the reasons why...Continue Reading.
One of the best ways to reduce website developmental time and speed up website maintenance process in terms of file transfer is to use FTP clients like Filezilla. The File manager offered on cpanel that helps you with file management on your web hosting server is...Continue Reading.
It can be pretty hard to search and install the best WordPress plugins you want for specific purposes on your website. This is so because there are thousands of free ones you can choose from. Apart from this, there are many plugins that offer the same functionality,...Continue Reading.
It is not unlikely that you might want to bring to your website the engagement and interaction experienced by your audience on social media platforms like Facebook. Though the decision to do this solely depends on your choice however, the ultimate decision should...Continue Reading.
No business survives in isolation. The growth of a business lies in how effective the process of keeping the customer happy and satisfied. Yes, I know that every business strive to maintain good business relationship with their clients and even try to create magic...Continue Reading.
Do you know that you can further enhance user engagement on your site by allowing your blog readers upload images on your WordPress default comment form? This can heighten interactivity among your readers just as most social media users are addictive to content...Continue Reading.