How to create a free blog On Blogger

There are so many blogging platforms on which a free blog can be created either for business or personal purposes. Before you start a blog, it is expedient to have something within a niche to share with the world. A niche you command vast knowledge or can do thorough...

How to Auto Link Blog Post to Social Networks

It is a great idea to auto link blog posts to social networks like Facebook,  twitter, MySpace because, they have large communities where targeted audience converge. Apart from this, their platforms are blog friendly in that, they have inbuilt applications for optimum...

Free Facebook Advertising Made Easy

Facebook Advertising is about the best medium through which your products can be reached by over 901 million people. Do you have product or services you want people to know about. Why not advertise it on Facebook for free. Facebook has transient from just a meeting...

Why Start a Blog

Motivation is the driving force that ignite the need to start something. What drives your impetus to start a blog. It is important to answer this question with all honesty and sincerity of purpose before we start blogging.There are so many reasons why bloggers blog....

Francis Owotoke: Creative Web Developer @ Frandimore

Thank you so much for clicking through to this page. It must have been borne out of love, curiosity or feeling of re-assurance to a need you  feel I can serve. Frandimore metamorphosed from the business of plantain chips I setup in my locality (Called VickyDel...