If I were asked this question about Facebook business page sometimes last year, I would have walked tall and say yes emphatically. But, the eradication of ‘send an update’ menu and monetization of post update delivery on fans news feed are irreconcilable checkers for great concern.
Nevertheless, Facebook business page still remain a key marketing tool regardless Facebook monetization drive that infringe on Facebook page best marketing tools. No doubt, Facebook provided these awesome services for business owners, celebrities and people with brand consciousness to find creative ways of announcing and developing their brand among millions of Facebook active users.
A service like this should not be expected to be free forever. Their must exist a marketing mix in the whole idea even right from inception. On a lighter mode, I won’t be surprised if Facebook begin to charge a fee to setup Facebook business page. Won’t they ensure resources are managed profitably while maximizing ROI?
Facebook Initiative Drive on Promoted Post
Long before Facebook came up with post update monetization under promoted post, their has been issues of poor post engagement with fans, spam-like update on fans news feed, low interaction level with post delivery among fans and wrong post timing that makes post go unnoticed on news feed due to it’s reverse chronological configuration.
The inference gathered from the above analysis coupled with how the platforms work would have informed the present initiative for promoted post.
Its one thing to shout, but to be heard is another thing altogether. It is indeed a poor score if just 17% of weekly page posts get interacted with fans organically.
Of what use is #1 rank on Google search when bounce rate of a given website is high? Who gets the blame here; Google search algorithm or the website? Instead, Facebook thought if development and sensitization of community is more important, then create that engaging post and we shall help you promote it at a fee.
Apart from this, Facebook came up with suggestions on post length, (100 to 250 characters), when to post, (9pm to 10pm) and what to post, (compelling visuals) that can keep audience engaged base on experience and data analysis. I personally feel it’s a fair game upon deep consideration since; the brand-focused initiative is still intact and free.
Brand Vs Community
Facebook page is all about brand development. The community formed within a brand is the testimony of how deep it has been absorbed. But, the journey actually started from the creation of the brand which Facebook page timeline want to uphold.
Without Facebook page, there wouldn’t have been a community. Though, the community envisaged gave birth to the thought of brand. So, Facebook is on a journey of recreating and positioning Facebook business page at the realm it has been known to occupy and then monetize the extensions created as a result of necessity and growth.
Though, this may be too hard to swallow for new brands wanting to find relevance with Facebook page and the growth progression in terms of cost and ROI could be high.
Current Marketing tools available for Facebook Business Page
The advent of timeline came with different tools for marketers to work with on Facebook page. These tools enhance visual media and gave page owner maximum control on brand presentation.
Cover Page– This 851 by 315pixel billboard should showcase your brand, promotions, offers, etc. Also, you are at liberty to change the design at will. But, ensure there are no price, contact information or call to action on it. Check Facebook term of use for details.
Pin post– This tool highlights your post of interest and pin it at the top for 7days. What a marvelous way to pristine you line of thought and offers.
Starred stories- A creative tool that expand visual post at double the initial size.
Message box– A way clients or customers can reach you directly on page without necessarily having to post on wall. Although, there’s yet to be one-on-one communication link in this regard, but you can reach fans or prospective customer on Facebook privately on their individual message inbox on personal profile page.
Integration of iframe applications with wider layout option (810pixel wide)– This came with icon tab of 111 by 74pixel. The iframe can hold promotions, feed, newsletter subscription, contest, offers, e-commerce structures, etc. The move to click must be brand initiated through the icon tab.
Wall post with timeline inclusion- Incorporated with visual media (i.e. photos and video) that has the capacity to engage fans when they scroll through in the timeline mode.
Offers– This new menu allows marketers to use post to create promotions/offers on Facebook page with links where fans and customers can claim the offer and also have it sent directly to their email or mobile device depending on what is offered. This can be combined with Facebook ad in order to generate viral spread.
Reach generator and premium ads– These are ad inclined. They ensure ad’s reach target audience both on desktop and mobile devices.
Community Manager– These are collections of menu setting and post moderation capacity given to page owner. The new Facebook page timeline is indeed brand driven.
Is Facebook Business Page Worth a free Marketing Tool?
From the above marketing tools available for page owner most of which are free, I beg to agree that that Facebook business page is still a free marketing tool after all. Most importantly, it is brand-focused. Have you noticed that a free copy of any product worth less than the paid version.
If you want more from Facebook, then be ready to pay. It’s logical. You pay in direct proportion to the expected growth rate. More so, Facebook offered as low as $10 for 11K reach target on post promotion. Even small scale businesses would begin to find relevance among audience and prospective customers in this level play ground.
However, no doubt the cost of maintaining a Facebook business page has gone up, but it should be expected. After all, the cost of over-head in business environment is not constant.
The beauty of it all is that, generally speaking, Facebook page is still free with tools targeted on brand evolution than community development. But, without community, there can’t be lead, without lead no conversion and without conversion no sales.
So, work-out the equation. What do you get? FACEBOOK PAID PROMOTIONS. The reality on ground suggest a trend that speaks business and profit which may not likely change in the foreseeable future. Flow with it and get the best from it. What do you think?
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