Blog is a platform where you can publish blog post and update contents in form of articles, reports, news, lyrics, etc on a regular basis for global consumption.

When you have solution to problem or idea about something or a product or services, making people know about it on a wider spectrum is a logical consideration.

So, blog post lend credence in providing a platform where you can explore creative ideas in form of information via internet. Blog made it possible to reach people beyond your domain and most importantly, they are search engine friendly- the largest known place for free traffic.

If you are pregnant with ideas or quality information and you do not have a blog, I advise you get one right away. It may not cost you a dime if you know how to create a free blog.

How then do one publish blog post so that people can have access to it to solve their problem and invariably connecting with your products or services.

Before you write a blog post, it is expedient and insightful to do keyword search on the topic you want to write about to see the number of people that actually need such information.

After you are satisfied with the perceived traffic, do a comprehensive research on the topic in order to deliver quality content that will make your audience visit your blog all the time. I feel it is necessary to do a thoroughly edited draft copy of an article before posting.
Blogger Blog Post Template

To post quality article, you will have to log in to your blog admin dashboard. I shall use a blog on blogger as an example. You can read online now or download an eBook on getting started on WordPress. It contain in details all you need to know about blog post on WordPress and much more.

From your dashboard on blogger account, click new post. If you are already on your blog, new post is on the top right menu. New post page consist title, link field, body with all the necessary writing functions, publish post, save as draft, preview and schedule post.

Type in article topic in the box for title.

Begin to type your article into the body of the page. All the necessary tools needed for effective typing of words are present. It’s like working on Microsoft word.

Always ensure you have good and insightful articles that teach your audience something valuable. Go the extra mile to make life comfortable for people through your articles.

Link both internal and external resources contextually. It is also a good practice to upload an image that depicts what your content intent. You can upload free images from freedigitalphotos.

Place it anywhere of your choice on the article, preferably on the top left corner of the article depending on the layout of your template. Proof read and checks for grammatical errors.

Make use of other functional features on the left pan that can add glamour and wider coverage to your blog post.

It’s time to either publish the post or save as draft. You may save as draft if you want to add more information later. You may also want to schedule post for predetermined time. These buttons are at the top of article box except schedule post button.

Click any that suits the action you want to take. Ensure you preview post before publishing. Preview page opens in another tab on fire fox browser.

When you are satisfied with the post preview, close it and click on publish post. Then, click on view page to see your content displayed on your blog for people to access. It’s that simple.

Contact us if you need help or want to create a blog. We shall be glad to serve you. Your success is our passion. Be the best.

Francis 'Toke
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